
Timing system gear assembly and injection pump

9.6.1 Timing system gear assembly


  1. Check that the key A is correctly fitted on the camshaft B.
  2. Position the gear C on the camshaft B adhering to the key reference A.
  3. Screw capscrew D until the end.
  4. Insert the reference pin E on the gear C.
  5. Screw the encoder F with the screws G on the gear C observing the plug E.
  6. Tighten the middle gear pin H, in the housing J of the crankcase, with the screws K (tightening torque 25 Nm).



  • The fitting of the middle gear pin H has only one position, the 4 screw holes K are not equally spaced.
  • Always replace the gasket L after each assembly.


  1. Insert the shoulder ring M.
  2. Check the integrity of the bushing N on the middle gear P, and ensure that it is free from impurities.
  3. Thoroughly lubricate the pin H and the bushing N.
  4. Position the gear P on the pin H observing all the marks W of the gears C and S, (Fig. 9.37).

  • Failure to comply with the marks W on the gears C, P and S, causes engine malfunction and serious damage.



  1. Insert the shoulder ring Q and the lock ring R.
  2. Tighten the gear C with the screw D (Fig. 9.34 - tightening torque at 100 Nm).
  3. Tighten the screws G on the gear C (tightening torque at 5 Nm).

Fig 9.34

Fig 9.35

Fig 9.36

Fig 9.37

9.6.2 High-pressure injection pump


  1. Check that the surface V is free from impurities (Fig. 9.38).

  • Always replace gasket U with every assembly.
  • The seal gasket U can only be fitted in one direction(Fig. 9.38).
  • Always replace capscrews T with new ones or alternatively apply Loctite 2701 (Fig. 9.38).



  1. Fit the new gasket U on the injection pump Z (Fig. 9.38).
  2. Fix the pump Z into the housing V together with the gasket U by the screws T (Fig. 9. 38 - tightening torque at 25 Nm).
  3. Check the correct fitting of the key AA on the shaft AB of the injection pump (Fig. 9.39).
  4. Place the gear AC on the shaft AB of the pump respecting the reference to the key AA and the reference Q of the gear AE (Fig. 9.39).
    Serrare il dado AD (coppia di serraggio a 65 Nm).
  5. Remove special tool ST_34).

Fig 9.38

Fig 9.39

Fig 9.40


Wait Loading